We value your time,“Askclinic helps to provide you with ethical, affordable and high quality healthcare needs in time.”
Making qualified specialist doctors accessible with ethical care for your health related problems.
Empowering every clinic and patient with a better quality healthcare.
“Askclinic is an ethical and simple way to strengthen the connectivity of patients and doctors to achieve healthy life.”
Facilitate patients to search and book appointments with preferred doctors according to their medical care needs.
Specialist and superspecialist Doctors are registered under medical/Dental/physiotherapy council.
No booking appointment charges for patients.
Annual subscription model for Doctors.
Follow ethics: No commission (From doctors or patients), review, ranking, rating, preferences, recommondations, refer, promotional massages and no crosspathy.
Prior online appointments saves time of Doctors and patients.
Manage in-clinic appointments and tele-consultations.
No interference of any kind.
Creating Health & wellness awareness,services and facilities through digital platforms.
Data privacy is top most priority.
Comply to National Medical Council (NMC) regulations.
Askclinic platform is conceptualized and managed by doctors.
Satisfied Patients
Professional Doctor
Year Experience